near berlin, germany
6/7/8 august 1999

the story
the camp

camp feature availability chart

as it seems, there is big interest in our little camp. in the last weeks we got flooded with e-mails and registrations and many people have expressed their wish to support the crew in building up the camp. this is good news.

many people have asked what is going on when and how to help and when to come. this was in fact the most frequently asked question so far.

we have made a small feature availability chart for you which should answer your questions easily.

camp feature availability chart phase
hard work
monday (2.8) build-up no no no yes yes no no maybe
tuesday (3.8) build-up no no no yes yes no no maybe
wednesday (4.8) arrival vans maybe maybe no yes maybe no yes yes
thursday (5.8) arrival yes yes yes yes no maybe yes yes
friday (6.8) camp yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes
saturday (7.8) camp yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes
sunday (8.8) camp yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes
monday (9.8) shutdown maybe maybe maybe yes yes no yes yes
tuesday (10.8) shutdown no no no maybe yes no yes yes
wednesday (11.8) eclipse no no no no no no no maybe

v1.1 we need people willing to work on the first two days listed in the chart. if you really want to help us, try to stay at the camp during shutdown as well.
